What makes subscribers stay? News from Netflix and Twitter

Welcome back to Subscriptions Weekly! This time we dive deeper into Nerflix’s successful Q2 results and how its password-sharing strategy brought in more subscribers. We review the strategies to avoid...

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Improve checkout conversion with PayPal Complete on Recurly

We’re excited to announce the arrival of a new payment gateway, PayPal Complete, from PayPal, one of the most popular global payment brands accepted in over 200 countries. So, what...

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TechCrunch Webinar: Turbocharge your business for the payment revolution

The need for a future-proof global payments infrastructure has become paramount–especially in the subscription space. As technology evolves and consumer expectations shift, businesses must adapt and be a step ahead...

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How AI helps the subscriber experience, retention & revenue growth

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform the ecommerce industry, and subscriptions aren’t an exception. With new technologies come new challenges, and business owners must understand how to incorporate AI into...

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How the right subscription and billing software helps you scale

The subscription industry is growing at a fast pace, and technology is crucial in driving transformative changes. For tech leaders of fast-scaling brands, there’s always one big challenge: allocating engineering...

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What subscribers want: 48% of consumers feel valued when rewarded for loyalty

Consumers’ demands and expectations are shaping the way subscriptions are perceived. And businesses must understand them to succeed.  To help you create a better consumer experience, Recurly asked over 6,000...

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Global expansion challenges, news from Amazon, TikTok, and Disney

Welcome back to Subscriptions Weekly! This week it’s all about the challenging process of expanding globally, and how important it is for companies to understand subscribers' demands across regions. We...

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What subscribers want: 71% of consumers want pausing options

Consumers are shaping the path for growth in the industry–understanding their demands and expectations is essential for success. To help you get a better picture, we went straight to the...

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How subscriber personalisation unleashes the potential of recurring payments

Alongside WorldPay and Mastercard, Recurly hosted a roundtable discussion at their joint industry event at United Spaces Waterfront in Stockholm on the topic of recurring payments. It’s no secret that...

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Perks & payments drive retention, news from Netflix, Spotify, and Walmart

Welcome back to Subscriptions Weekly! This week we dive deeper into the streaming video winners: Netflix and Disney–and how these services continue rising. We check on Spotify’s measures for Premium...

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