Revenue Recognition

Revenue compliance

Reduce audit risks and costs by ensuring compliance with revenue recognition mandates.

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Automate compliance with multiple revenue reporting standards with an enterprise-grade, fully configurable solution

Ditch the spreadsheets

Take the guesswork—and the spreadsheets—out of revenue recognition compliance by automating the complete process with Recurly from start to finish.

Embrace the accuracy

Let’s face it, revenue recognition is complicated and involved, but getting it right is essential. Those spreadsheets? They likely contain errors. Put Recurly in charge to ensure accuracy.

Speed the accounting cycle

Automating recognition tasks saves staff time—ditch the spreadsheets, remember? It also saves your auditor time, which adds money back to your bottom line.

Streamline ASC-606 and IFRS-15 compliance

Reduce compliance risks and audit costs associated with ASC-606 and IFRS-15 accounting guidelines. Automate revenue recognition processes complicated by diverse sets of subscription contracts and pricing models.

  • Contract modification automation and one-off scenarios
  • Expense-side allocations (e.g., sales commissions)
  • Lease accounting
  • Variable considerations (e.g., discounts, rebates, refunds)
  • Standalone selling price (SSP) automation

Automate revenue recognition

Streamline complex revenue recognition tasks and speed your monthly close by automating the process with Recurly.

Reduce audit risk and cost

Minimize the risks and costs associated with an audit with a formal revenue recognition process that promotes compliance.

Support different pricing models

Easily handle diverse contract terms and multiple pricing models with our fully configurable engine.

Recurly’s automated and scalable billing workflows help increase efficiencies in our finance processes. Our finance and accounting teams now have access to clean data with clear audit trails for accurate and efficient reporting.

Devin Loftis— Chief Technology Officer

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Frequently asked questions

What is revenue recognition?

Revenue recognition is an accounting principle that defines when and how revenue may be recognized. There are different accounting standards that define how and when revenue can be recognized, such as GAAP in the US, and IFRS in other parts of the world like the European Union.

What is meant by revenue compliance?

Revenue compliance refers to a merchant’s ability to adhere to various revenue recognition rules, standards, and best practices.

What is ASC-606 and IFRS 15 compliance?

Both ASC-606 and IFRS are revenue recognition standards that affect all businesses that enter into contracts with customers to transfer goods or services–including subscription businesses. Here’s everything your subscription business needs to know about ASC-606.

How does Recurly help with revenue compliance?

Recurly automates the revenue recognition process for high-volume subscription businesses, helping you comply with revenue recognition standards.

Is revenue compliance included in the Recurly platform?

Recurly revenue recognition is integrated within the Recurly platform and is available in the professional and elite plans of Recurly. See our plans and pricing page for more details.

Make subscriptions your competitive advantage

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