New Features: Hosted Account Management
As many of our merchants know, Recurly’s hosted pages allow you to get up and running quickly with little to no development work. Our hosted pages include subscription signup pages and a customer subscription management portal called “Hosted Account Management”. Next week, we’re rolling out new features for Recurly’s Hosted Account Management. Here are some of the changes you’ll see.
Look and Feel
From the login page to hosted invoices, we’re incorporating brand new styling that should make your customers’ account management experience more satisfying and easier on the eyes.

New Customer Facing Features
Customers will have an easier time finding and accessing their invoices through the new “All Invoices” page. They’ll be able download PDFs of their invoices much more quickly without having to click into each individual invoice. Also, customers will be able to change their password from a convenient drop down in the top right of the page while logged in. New Merchant Options
For merchants, Hosted Payment Pages and Hosted Account Management will now be two separate options, allowing merchants the flexibility to choose which features to turn on/off. This can easily be accessed from the Hosted Page Settings after the release. Hosted Invoice Links in Email Templates
If you turn on Hosted Account Management, all emails that mention a specific invoice will have a link that says “View invoice online” where the customer can access an online version of the invoice with the option to download a PDF. The link is a new “Guest View” format that uses the customer’s Hosted Token to expose the invoice on the page without requiring the customer to login. These are the seven email templates that will include the hosted invoice link:
New Subscription
New Invoice (Manual Invoice feature only)
Invoice Past Due (Manual Invoice feature only)
Payment Confirmation
Payment Declined
Payment Refunded
Payment Voided

We think these changes will improve your customers’ experience with Recurly. To learn more, visit Host Pages Changes. And of course, if you have any questions or comments, please contact us at