Checkout abandonment is the ongoing bane of ecommerce companies. Many such companies have dedicated product and engineering teams continuously monitoring and finding ways to increase conversion rates at checkout. One key to increasing conversion rates is removing friction.

How many times have you found yourself shopping online and get to the screen asking for your credit card information and thought to yourself, “Ugh, I don’t feel like finding my wallet right now” and then get distracted by something else? Did you remember to go back to that screen later and complete your purchase? Sometimes yes, but a lot of times, probably not.

How can you make the checkout experience as fast and easy as possible?

One answer is digital wallets which address this exact pain point: digging for your credit card. Of all the digital wallets out there, PayPal outperforms them all, according to a recent comScore study. In fact, PayPal was found to perform 60% better than all other digital wallets and 82% higher than all other payment methods. And, another recent study by Ipsos found that customers are 54% more willing to buy when a business accepts PayPal.

Offering PayPal, along with the major credit cards, enables ecommerce companies to accept payments in 80% of the world. This makes PayPal a very compelling factor in helping to make the checkout experience as frictionless as possible.

Recurly is dedicated to partnering with you to make checkout frictionless. For example, with Recurly.js, you can simply have your customers take a picture of their credit card to populate the credit card fields, among other great enhancements.

For PayPal, Recurly is integrated with PayPal Express Checkout and One Touch. Through this integration, subscribers log into their PayPal account once and then can check out without re-entering their password or payment details for up to six months.

In addition, we’ve also integrated with PayPal in such a way that you can choose to have your subscribers skip the pages on your website that gather shipping and payment details. With our Express Checkout Shortcut, your subscribers are immediately redirected to PayPal from your shopping cart page, eliminating the need to collect their shipping information. Recurly can automatically collect your subscriber’s shipping address (and optionally, billing address), thereby removing yet another important friction point in the checkout flow.

It’s always important to offer the payment options most popular with your subscribers based on where they’re located, or other demographics, so that you can streamline the checkout flow and increase conversions. To that end, Recurly supports a wide variety of payment options, everything from digital wallets to localized payment methods, so that your subscribers always have easy ways to pay.