Welcome to the New Recurly UI!

Thanks to all the fantastic feedback we’ve received from customers, we’re putting the final touches on the new Recurly UI design! Your comments have been instrumental in guiding our efforts towards making our interface more intuitive and efficient, and based on your feedback, we’ve made all kinds of improvements. If you’ve recently logged into your Recurly account, you’ve noticed that the updated design has become the default view. If you haven’t had an opportunity to experience the updated look yet, please log in to your account and check it out!
Have Feedback?
Throughout the beta period, we’ve made it possible to switch back and forth between the old and new UI. Soon, we’ll be retiring the legacy design and codebase (and removing the Beta banner and the link to switch back to the old UI). As we work through any remaining issues, we welcome any final feedback. If you find anything that doesn’t seem to be working perfectly, or simply have other suggestions, please submit a note through the Recurly Support site. We’d love to hear from you.
What’s Next?
Of course, this new design is only the first step in a larger initiative to make Recurly better and easier to use for our customers. As we’ve noted in previous blog posts, we decided early on not to make changes to the functionality during this project and instead focused on providing a more modern look and feel along with more current technology. Now that the new UI design and codebase is in place on every page, we’ll be able to more quickly make functional improvements and additions to the product -- both large and small. Stay tuned in coming months for these changes!
Thank You!
Finally, we want to thank you, our customers, for all your help and input during this process. Many of you were involved during the Alpha and Beta releases and spent time with us on phone calls, emails, and screen sharing. Because of your valuable input, we’ve made more informed design decisions and ultimately a better product. We look forward to continuing to improve Recurly with you in the future!
If you’d like to learn more about the what and the why behind the new design, please check out these blog posts:
Upcoming Changes to the Recurly UI (April 6, 2015)
A New Look for Recurly in 2015 (February 25, 2015)