Flexible subscription billing models

Create and support any subscription pricing combination you and your subscribers can think of.

Attract and Retain Subscribers with the Most Flexible Billing Options

Deliver extraordinary subscriber value with the most flexible pricing and packaging options on the planet.

Fixed Recurring Model

Best for companies that provide a product for a single price and charge on a recurring basis, and typically charged at the beginning of the billing cycle.

  • Steady, continuous revenue
  • Low cost-of-entry for customers
  • Opportunity to market and upsell products and services
  • Streaming media
  • IoT
  • Education
  • Professional services
  • Box of the month

Music Streaming Service

$9.99per month

Unlimited streaming

Thousands of artists

No commercials


Quantity-Based Models

Best for companies that want to dynamically raise or lower prices based on the quantity purchased.




Charges for each unit based on the price of its corresponding tier.

Charges for each unit based on the price of the highest tier reached.

Charges a fixed price based on the highest tier reached.

An office services company charges $1 for the first 100 documents and 50¢ for all documents after the first 100.

A screen printing t-shirt company charges $10 for each t-shirt. If a customer buys more than 20, the cost of each t-shirt becomes $9.

A SaaS company charges a fixed price based on the range of seats a customer buys: 1–10 are $50; 11–20 are $100; 21+ seats are $150.

  • Predictable costs that scale based on demand
  • Incentivize customers to purchase more to receive a discount
  • Support pricing models required by some enterprise businesses
  • Consumer and Business Services
  • Consumer Goods
  • SaaS


Docs Cost
1–100 $1/each
101+ 50¢/each

50 documents

Total cost: $50

Order Now


T-Shirts Cost
1–20 $10/each
21+ $9/each

20 t-shirts

Total cost: $200

Order Now


Seats Cost
1–10 $50
11–20 $100
21+ $150

10 seats

Total cost: $50

Sign up

Usage-Based Model

Best for companies with a transactional business who want to enable customers to pay for only what they use.

  • Alignment of price with value leading to less churn
  • Current usage tracking to nurture upsell opportunities
  • Adaptable to market conditions and competition
  • Financial services and insurance
  • IoT
  • IT and cloud services
  • Software tools

Text Messaging Package

$0.02per message


$49 monthly fee

Add to Plan

One-Time Charge Model

Best for companies that include one-time products as part of a subscription plan (e.g. setup fee or purchase of equipment required for a subscription).

  • Allows prospects to try the product or service before committing to a subscription
  • Ability to test demand for new products and services
  • E-commerce
  • IoT device purchase
  • Digital downloads

Smart Security Camera


Add video cloud storage
$10 per month

Add to Cart

Hybrid Model

Best for companies that sell a mix of recurring and non-recurring products and want to allow their customers to pay for them in a single purchase.

  • Streamline the customer's checkout experience
  • Easily combine Fixed Recurring and One-Time Charge models
  • Upsell additional products and services with a subscription to maximize revenue
  • E-commerce
  • Box of the month
  • Streaming media
  • IoT device purchase
  • Digital downloads
  • Education

Monthly Coffee Box

Order Summary

Subscription Monthly $19

French Press (1) $21

Total $40

Pay Now

Included with All Billing Models

Combine billing models to create customized bundles and pricing packages. All our billing models include:

  • Rich Marketing Tools

    Engage customers and build subscriber base with tools including trials, coupons, and optional products

  • Automatic & Limited Renewals

    Set and control the number of renewals for subscriptions

  • Customer Lifecycle Communications

    Keep customers informed of charges and changes related to their subscriptions

For more information, visit our Billing Models documentation

Subscription success starts with Recurly