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Alex Krull

Customer Operations Specialist, Recurly


Customer Operations Specialist at Recurly.

Latest posts by Alex Krull

Back to School with Recurly: Introducing Learning Paths

In developing Recurly, we strive to solve real problems with a comprehensive solution, but without sacrificing ease of use. That said, we’re aware that implementing a new billing system can be challenging, whether you’re new to subscription billing software or are switching to Recurly from another solution. In today’s fast-paced...

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Recurly’s Account Updater Fights Churn in the Background

Failed transactions are an everyday part of e-commerce. As a merchant, the last thing you want to see is the error message ‘card declined.’ On average, B2C and B2B can expect a failed transaction rate of approximately 11.5%. One of the most common decline reasons is outdated card information. That’s an...

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