A crucial aspect of successful subscription billing involves being able to communicate with customers. Recurly sends several million emails every month on behalf of the many subscription businesses that depend on our platform, and we are constantly seeking ways to improve this function. After listening to great feedback, we’ve made a number of changes in response. Here’s an overview of what’s changed along with screenshots to show how these changes appear in Recurly.

New email list page that makes it easier to view the purpose of emails and better understand what factors trigger the system to send them.

Account Templates options on Recurly software

We’ve also made it easier to edit the email’s header and footer which allows you to provide a consistent experience across all communications. In addition, these changes allow you to easily see how the email will actually look when it is viewed by the customer.

New email editing experience that will make it easier to understand how the changes you make in an email template will look to your customers. This will make it easier to deliver a branded experience, one of the important pieces of feedback we received.

Activate Account Template screen on Recurly software

To improve this page’s usability, we’ve broken out HTML and text-based email previews, as these emails render differently depending on the browser your customer is using. Previously, it was not easy to preview how these emails would appear to the end user.

In addition, we’ve made it easier to upload a logo and preview how this will appear to the customer in either text or HTML format.

An improved experience

We welcome your feedback on these changes, which we believe will provide our customers an improved experience using Recurly. Should you have questions or want to let us know what you think, please contact Support.  Â