Staying up to date with Recurly's client libraries

If you're using one of Recurly's client libraries to interface with our API, you're probably concerned with keeping up to date with the latest and greatest functionality Recurly has to offer. Currently, Recurly supports clients for PHP, Ruby, Python, and .Net, all of which are hosted on GitHub. Let's take a few minutes to learn why it's important to watch these libraries, how to watch them, and how to better interact with them.
Recurly is constantly iterating on our products. Whether it's accounting for VAT or adding invoice prefixes, we're devoted to shipping tools to better help you manage your subscriptions. When we add a new feature to our API, we update the client libraries to go along with it. Watching the library allows you to view features as they're rolled out and accessible via our API.
There are several ways to stay abreast of any changes to our clients. The first, and simplest, is to click the 'Watch' button atop the repository, which provides automatic notifications for all issues and their comments, and pull requests and their comments. Watching your client library is a useful way to learn about new features like ACH support, new client releases, and bug fixes. Alternatively, you can Star the library, and manually check to see what changes have occurred.
Once you're watching the repository, take note of the Changelog, which provides an overview of occurred changes, bugs fixes, and general housekeeping. Should you ever encounter issues while using the client library, you can contact Recurly Support, or alternatively, open an Issue describing your specific concerns and provide any code examples for further troubleshooting.
By watching and interacting with our client libraries, you can rest assured you'll always be on top of your Recurly integration!